The last months have kept us pretty busy and we would like to share with you all the fantastic events we were part of:
1. We launched Bio-Digital Cert and in Stellenbosch (one of the Great Wine Capitals) at the Areni Live Event (July 12-14th) and at the ETHCC Paris (July 19-21st).
Yes, it may all sound a bit alien but don’t worry, we are here to make it simple for you:
Bio-Digital Cert: together with Kleros, OpenVino has created BioDigital Cert™, a system that enables wineries to self-certify as organic, carbon-neutral, vegan, etc.
(Kleros is a French-Argentine, open source online dispute-resolution protocol, which uses blockchain and crowdsourcing to fairly adjudicate disputes.)
You can visit or watch this video to get more information: is an innovative process for bio-manufacturing boxes from fungi and vineyard waste.
For further explanation:
Areni Live post-event recap:
EthCC Paris Bio-Digital Cert:
2. Mike Tango Bravo gave the keynote speech at one of the most prestigious universities studying grapes and wine production, Geisenheim University in Germany (July 15th). The topic was ‘How does wine get on the blockchain?’. OpenVino and Costaflores gave all the answers to this question.
3. Back in South America, Mike gave a wonderful talk at CREA Buenos Aires (September 14 – 16th) and most recently OpenVino was part of the Eth Santiago Conference (September 23rd).
CREA: is a benchmark of technological vanguards and corporate sustainability values for the Argentine agricultural industry. Mike presented OpenVino and explained all the ways it can be applied to agriculture in general.
Enjoy the talk on the following link:
Eth Santiago: this was the first Eth Conference to take place in Chile. Here we were part of a panel discussing the following topic: ‘Real Assets Tokenization: Myth or Reality?’
Here is the link to watch the whole conference: (You can find the talk after approximately 2:45 hours)